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"Paths in the garden" - Qu Art Museum, Suzhou - China











In my capacity as Consul General of the Kingdom of Belgium in Shanghai, I am proud to introduce the work of fellow Belgian Manu vb Tintoré. From landscape interventions, visual art and culture, to architecture, as well as art for the public space: Mr. Tintoré’s work evokes feelings of belonging to a fleeting and complex history. From my own experience on different continents, I can only agree how this belonging brings people together.

Art and culture are important vectors for people to perceive the world through each other’s eyes, forging bonds and enhancing mutual understanding. The importance of culture and people-to-people contacts in international relations was also a key message by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Hadja Lahbib, at the recently held 6th Suzhou Jinji Lake Biennale, where she also mentioned Mr. Tintoré’s art.

I congratulate Manu vb Tintoré for his artistry, creativity and exquisite work, showcasing how much talent our country has to offer.  And highly talented artists thrive best among peers,  in this case in China, which is why I extend gratitude to the QU ART Museum for enabling this exhibition and demonstrating yet another example of successful Chinese-Belgian synergies. 

I am confident that the exhibition will be a great success and look forward to future cooperation with the QU ART CHINA.


Mr. Bruno JANS

Consul General of the Kingdom of Belgium












Senderos en el jardín de Suzhou, China


Pocas veces he vivido la experiencia de encontrarme en un lugar tan lejano y sentir a la vez que le pertenezco. Una plena complicidad entre el momento artístico en el que me encuentro y el lugar  que experimento. Los jardines de Suzhou, son un lugar mágico, transcendente, capaz de mostrarnos todo el esplendor y la delicadeza de una cultura exquisita reunidas en una comunión perfecta.

Una concomitancia sublime entre orden y caos, entre serenidad y romanticismo exaltado. Algo así como un suspiro extraviado en el alma. 

Uno de repente se encuentra caminando poco a poco, sigilosamente en un mundo ajardinado, evadido del mundanal movimiento de la enorme ciudad que rodea al jardín. que osadía, que proeza ¡¡¡. Bastan unos pocos pasos más en este paseo para entender con claridad la importancia de cultivar y educar las mentes y los espíritus de la humanidad a la sensibilidad. Una sensibilidad creadora y reparadora.

Solo un paso más y nos liberamos definitivamente de todo para adentrarnos en una dimensión en donde nos difuminamos y nos diluimos en un trance de paz.

Toda la pintura clásica china se recrea en esta idea de perfecta integración del hombre en su entorno. Apenas una representación diminuta de la figura humana en este paisaje imperante. No somos más, no somos menos.

¿Os podéis imaginar por un momento como se siente un artista  que lleva un año pintando "senderos en el jardín" y osa adentrarse por primera vez en ese lugar de ensueño, ese espacio sagrado que es el jardín de Suzhou ?,


¿os podéis imaginar como el equilibrio y la perfección del jardín de Suzhou se apropiaran de mis pinceladas?.

¿seré capaz desde la lejanía de mi estudio, de revivir la esencia cautivadora que he experimentado a través de todos mis sentidos? 

¿Cual será al alquimia que ya crece en mi y reúne las luces, sombras, reflejos y  aromas, sonidos de agua y cantos de pájaros?

¿seré capaz de seguir pintando?


Los jardines de Suzhou son ese lugar capaz de hipnotizarnos y hacernos creer que nuestro gran jardín planetario puede y debe acercarse si mas no a lo que mis ojos miraron y mi espíritu vio, y si no es así, prefiero perderme definitivamente por alguno de los senderos del jardín de Suzhou.


Manu vb Tintoré


Publicado en la revista Target Global

mayo de 2023

Paths in the garden of Suzhou


I have rarely lived the experience of being in a place so far away but at the same time feeling that I belong to it.  A full complicity between the artistic moment in which I find myself and the place I experience. The gardens of Suzhou are a magical, transcendent place, capable of showing us all the splendor and delicacy of an exquisite culture gathered in perfect communion.


A sublime concomitance between order and chaos, between serenity and exalted romanticism - like a sigh lost in the soul.  

One suddenly finds oneself walking stealthily, little by little, in a landscaped world, escaping from the worldly movement of the huge city that surrounds the garden - what daring, what a feat! A few steps on this walk are enough to clearly understand the importance of cultivating and educating the mind and spirit of humanity to sensitivity: a creative and restorative sensitivity.


Just one more step and we are definitively freed from everything to enter a dimension where we are diffused and diluted in a peaceful trance. 

All classical Chinese painting is recreated in the idea of perfect integration of man in his environment: a tiny representation of the human figure in this prevailing landscape. We are no more, we are no less.

Can you imagine for a moment how an artist who has been painting "paths in the garden" for a year feels and dares to enter for the first time in this dream place, this sacred space that is the garden of Suzhou?

Can you imagine how the balance and perfection of the Suzhou garden will take over my brushstrokes?

 Will I be able, from the distance of my studio, to relive the captivating essence I have experienced?

Will I be able to continue painting?

The gardens of Suzhou are that place capable of hypnotizing us and making us believe that our great planetary garden can and should come closer to what my eyes and my spirit have seen, and if not, I prefer to get lost in one of the paths of the garden of Suzhou.


Manu vb Tintoré


Published in Target Global Magazin

may 2023